Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Diablo 3 News Attack - Demon Hunter Changes, Beta Eligibility, New graphics, Latency

On this episode, Flux and Elly recap a very busy week of news. Topics include leaked screenshots of most of the weapons and armor in the game, Blizzard announces PayPal for their B.net Bobby Bucks™ transaction service and Chinese future gold farmers are irate, the magical new technology removes lag and latency from Diablo III PvM play, news that the Diablo 3 Beta "lottery" will NOT be restricted just to Starcraft 2 and World of Warcraft players, new details about the Diablo 3 stash, the major changes to the Demon Hunter, and other class skill layouts, new Diablo 3 merchandise revealed, our new Diablo 3 markets site is launched, and more.

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