Tuesday, November 15, 2011

PC RPG Games

PC RPG Games  , online rpg games, http://goarticles.com/article/PC-RPG-Games/2865450/,
Article by Conflagrant
PC RPG games have come from nowhere a few decades ago to occupy a significant portion of the Internet games industry. It could be said that they are one of the best kept secrets of modern gaming. Many online RPG games have millions of players and revenues upwards of tens of millions of dollars a month. Despite this fact many people in mainstream society have not even heard of many RPG PC games let alone played one.
The majority of the population knows that the letters "PC" stands for personal computer, but how many know what the letters "RPG" stand for in the context of personal computing? For those of you that do not know, the letters "RPG" stand for Role-Playing Game. In internet gaming this abbreviation is usually used in relation to a Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) game (MMO-RPG). In most MMO RPG's however role-playing takes a definite backseat.
The concept of role-playing allows an individual to live the life of a person different to themselves and behave in ways that reflect their differing values and beliefs. At its best role-playing can stimulate the mind, empathy and imagination. Unfortunately many online role-playing games merely require an individual to role play the character of a psychotic blood crazed killer.
While online combat games are entertaining and player versus player action can give an adrenaline buzz to do the same thing over and over again can become boring in the extreme. Performing repetitive actions in order to develop a character is what players of PC RPG games call "grinding". Many players resent grinding, as it is the kind of boring and repetitive activity that they play online games to get away from in their daily lives. Game designers often integrate these repetitive tasks as a method of keeping an individual playing for longer than they might otherwise do so.
Thankfully with the advent of games such as "Second Life" the trend towards becoming a society of crazed psychotic killers in our virtual lives has a counterpoint. By contrast to the usual hack and slash games Second Life allows an individual to take part in a virtual world and conduct activities that are interesting to themselves. While this is not a game as such it does allow individuals to experiment with all the social realities available in a virtual world. So while Second Life might not be typical of most PC RPG games it certainly involves the opportunity for better role-playing than many of the games that claim to be centred around such activities.
About the Author
Conflagrant has been playing PC RPG Games for over 20 years. During this time he has seen many changes in technology and game creation style and genre. He remains hopeful that in time true roleplaying in PC RPG games will become possible.



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