Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Release Date and Other Questions About Diablo III

There are a lot of questions going around about the new, yet to be released, computer game from Blizzard Entertainment known as Diablo III. We thought we would take a few minutes and try to answer some of the most common questions.

What is Diablo III?

It's a Role Playing Game (RPG) where you slay monsters and ultimately try to slay the devil himself. You can play it in either single-player (PC) or multi-player (online) mode.

Do I need Diablo I and II in order to play Diablo III?

No, The new version should be a separate game. This means you will not have to have the previous versions loaded in order to run it. It is not like World of Warcraft that simply adds expansion packs which build on the original game. However, if you haven't played the earlier versions, you may be a little confused trying to follow the storyline.

What will the system requirements?

Blizzard has already indicated they plan to make certain most computers will be able to load and execute the game. The requirements have not been released yet, but we imagine they will be fairly low.

Will Diablo III work on a Core2Duo or will I need a Quad processor?

Since Blizzard has not released the exact system requirements, it's hard to say. However, the Core2Duo should work just fine. The processor probably won't be your biggest concern. You'll also want to ensure you have at least 2 GB of RAM and a top quality graphics card.

What type of graphics card will I need?

That depends on the size of your monitor. The large monitors require a really powerful card. We recommend a NVIDIA 9800 GT if your monitor is 22 inches or smaller. It only costs around $160, depending on the brand you buy.

Is there a Diablo III demo?

Not at this time. The way Blizzard operates, it's probably going to be some time before they release a demo. About the best you can do is to check out the Diablo III trailers you'll find on YouTube.

Will I have to buy the game, as well as, pay a monthly fee?

No, Diablo III will use Battlenet and that means you won't have to pay a monthly fee after you purchase the game.

Will the new game bring back the Necromancer?

It looks like they will be creating all new character classes in Diablo III, but many of the characters will have similar abilities. We believe that the Witch Doctor will fulfill the role of the Necromancer in the new game.

Will it be worth the money?

If it's anything like Diablo II, then yes. However, right now we don't really know enough about it to offer an accurate opinion. Some of the good things we're pretty sure it'll include are:

1. It will have quests you can do with other players.

2. It will have a way for people to play together online or in player vs. player mode.

3. There will only be a limited number of people who can participate in any given session. That makes it somewhat different from MMORPG games like World of Warcraft.

When will it be released?

No one really knows the real date of release, but we've heard they are looking at releasing it in November 2011, just in time for Christmas.

For more information on the new game, check out our site at Diablo III Information.

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